At some point in time, usually during a wonderful and peaceful diving trip somewhere in the Caribbean, nearly everyone has fantasized about packing it all in and moving to paradise. It seems like during and after every trip, I longed to live a carefree existence in a place where I could feel the sand between my toes every day, and wake up to the sound of waves crashing along the white sandy beaches
With this in mind, I invested quite a bit of time looking at the Caribbean places I had not been to and had narrowed it down quite a bit for a number of factors like medical availability, language of preference, availability of fresh food, etc. So when I decided to “simplify my life” in 2005 I started looking at living, at least part of the year (I still love Colorado), in the U.S. Virgin Islands. The factor that seemed to make this our island of choice is that it’s a United State territory.
We figured the only way to know would be to dive right in, metaphorically speaking, so after a Dive trip to Bonaire we made a stop in St. Croix on the way back to Colorado. Why St. Croix? Once I decided on the US Virgin islands as our first potential location, my internet searches lead me to believe that of the three Islands (St. Croix, St. Thomas and St John) St. Croix was the one that fit our criteria best.
After touring the Island on the first day with our knowledgeable RE/MAX St Croix real estate agent, we found a place to call our second home. Since this is a US territory getting a loan was just like borrowing money at home and we soon had purchased Sea Escape (our condo) at Pelican Cove!
It has been almost seven years since we made the decision and we still love visiting our “Caribbean Soul” whenever we can. We DO rent our condo when we are not there, so if you think you may want to visit the Island to see if it will fit in with your dream of “Caribbean homeownership” let me know and perhaps we can arrange for YOUR visit to the island!
“Of the many islands we’ve showcased on our Best Islands to Live On rankings, St. Croix ranks the highest among users.” Terry Anderson
From the article Best Islands to Live On: St. Croix USVI:
Why St. Croix? We didn’t have to puzzle too hard over choosing St. Croix. It’s a U.S. territory (hence no immigration, work permit or property rights worries), it’s English-speaking, it’s affordable and it’s a nonstop flight from the U.S. It also looks like that picture of Caribbean paradise — swaying palm trees, a pale slice of beach, a blue wash of sea — that decorates computer screensavers and cubicle walls nationwide. Compared to its sister Virgin Islands, St. Croix is less touristy than St. Thomas and more populated than St. John. We think it’s just right. […]
Read the whole article here

Why You Should Move To The U.S. Virgin Islands:
If you’re looking for an easy move to an island, with the possibility for affordable real estate and few legal hurdles, consider the USVI.
Read more and see the photo gallery here
RE/MAX can help! To speak to one of our agents contact us today.
#5 Company Street, Christiansted, VI 00820
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